На девятнадцатой сессии в октябре 2013 года Комитет по экологической политике (КЭП) решил организовать Восьмую Конференцию министров ОСЕ [по окружающей среде Европы] в 2016 году. По инициативе Грузии было решено провести конференцию в городе Батуми 8-10 июня 2016 года.

Предлагаемые вопросы для обсуждения на уровне министров (Батуми, Грузия, 8-10 июня 2016 г.)

(Batumi, Georgia, 8–10 June 2016)

Second proposal (as at 30 January 2015)

Clean the air, grow green and learn together

1. Greening the economy in the pan-European region

(a) Challenges and opportunities: What are the pressing challenges to greening the economy in your country? What positive effects on, e.g., employment, human-well being, prosperity and natural capital are evident after introducing green economy policies? Have trade-offs been taken into account in policymaking — e.g., in terms of the impact on employment, social equity and private investment?

(b) Best paths to sustainability: What approaches have proven most useful to promote a more efficient use of natural resources and to reduce pressures on them (e.g., circular economy, green innovation and initiatives in the fields of energy, building, transport infrastructure, water, fiscal reforms, standards and labelling)? What initiatives are working successfully/are to be introduced in your country to address challenges and major obstacles, including to sustainable consumption and production patterns?

(c) Green incentives: What incentives concerning sustainable public procurement, environmental taxation and the removal of environmentally harmful subsidies, including fossil fuel subsidies, have been introduced, and what else can be done? What do you do to encourage green investment, including private and foreign direct investment and technology transfer in different sectors?

(d) Cooperation: What steps could be taken to further promote cooperation among countries in the pan-European region to facilitate the transition to a green economy, including in the context of the post-2015 development agenda?

2. Improving air quality for a better environment and human health

(a) Pollutants and policies: Which air pollutants (indoor and outdoor) pose the highest risk to the environment and human health in your country, and how is this risk assessed (e.g., emission inventories, pollutants registers, air quality monitoring- and health-related data)? How effective are current policies in addressing the impact of air pollution on public health, in particular in urban areas, as well as on ecosystems and crops? What can be done to make such policies more effective and how are the costs of inaction taken into account?

(b) Sectors and funding: What sectors contribute the most to air pollution in your country and how successful has your Government been in integrating air pollution reduction measures into financial and development policies, as well as in other sectoral policies? What role can policymakers and financing institutions play in ensuring that projects that reduce air pollution receive funding?

(c) Public participation: How could enabling public participation in relevant processes (e.g., policy development) improve air quality and what measures work best in your country?

(d) Cooperation: Has international cooperation led to an improvement in air quality? Which international instruments are the most effective in your experience? Which activities should be further strengthened to promote ratification and implementation of the ECE Convention on Long-range Transboundary Air Pollution and its protocols?

Источник: www.unece.org

8-я Конференция министров окружающей среды ЕС


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